36 Ways to be Excellent to Others

We all want to be liked, right? We want to be the person that people are happy to see and thankful to be around. Of course not everyone will like you, and that’s okay. (Maybe you don’t like them lol)

So here’s a list of things you can do to have favor with others , things I’ve learned from reading books and blogs over the years :

  1. Pray for favor .
  2. Fill yourself up so you have something to give to others.
  3. Compliment other people.
  4. Ask questions about their life.
  5. Don’t give unsolicited advice.
  6. Remember their name.
  7. Remember their birthday.
  8. Keep your word.
  9. Invite them to do things and let go of how many times they invite you.
  10. Be clear and direct, but also kind.
  11. Speak joy into your day.
  12. Encourage and build others up.
  13. Write personalized notes.
  14. Smile.
  15. Don’t brag .
  16. Don’t teach someone unless they asked you to teach them.
  17. Be yourself
  18. Find common ground . You can get along with anyone whether you have much in common or not.
  19. Be hospitable.
  20. Offer help.
  21. Be silly.
  22. Be confident but approachable.
  23. Always assume positive intent.
  24. Set boundaries in a loving way, free from judgment.
  25. Give gifts.
  26. Don’t try to please others, just be kind. You aren’t responsible for their emotional state and vice versa.
  27. Be good at what you do.
  28. Be welcoming, say “hi , how are you?”
  29. Don’t be jealous, build others up.
  30. Be patient with others and remember everyone is still learning to grow up, too.
  31. Seek first to understand and show empathy before you try to cheer someone up or give advice.
  32. Be gentle. If someone doesn’t know something or has never done something don’t act shocked, just shrug it off and move on.
  33. Don’t worry about how others treat you, worry about how you treat them.
  34. Give credit, don’t take credit.
  35. Don’t seek to be significant, seek to make others feel significant .
  36. Don’t wait for people to approach you, approach them.
    Never let yourself miss an opportunity to say the important things like how much you care, or that they are doing a good job or that you are proud of them. These are lifelines. You never know the impact these words can have on someone if you can be vulnerable enough to use them.

Basically seek to please God and most people will like you because they are naturally drawn to God’s love and goodness – and desperately longing for it.