Feeling Discouraged About Your Finances? Read this.

First of all, let me tell you this post is not professional advice but experiences I’ve had and lessons I’ve learned in the past 4 years living on one income in California. Now back to the post.

You just had a huge unexpected expense. Your car needed new tires. There goes $800. You wonder why you even try, you feel like you’ll never reach your financial goals.

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Emotional First Aid Kit

Bad moods come and go. That is one thing we can count on in this life. There will always be storms, but we can choose how we go through them. That is why I wrote this post, it’s about the actions you can take when you are in a funk, are going through a tough season, or are just having a bad day. You need a plan. You need a first aid kit. A collection of things to focus on, healthy reminders, and uplifting things to watch and read. Please know, however that it is totally fine to feel down sometimes and it’s normal and sometimes time is the only thing that will heal those feelings. The first aid kit will not fix you, but it will put you on a good path of “next right things” that will help you recover faster. Here’s what’s in mine.

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