
I follow the YouTuber Jordan Page from “fun cheap or free” and she recently had twins so now she has a total of 8 kids. She has some great mom tips and with a set of twins she’s stressing how she is having her kids step up and do more chores .

I love this! But it’s so so hard. So so important but so so hard.

But nobody said it would be easy, right? I find myself wanting to do things myself because I can do it faster or better or whatever. But it brings me great joy to see my children learn how capable they are.

The other morning I was praying before I got out of bed and I felt inspired to start giving my kids opportunities to earn money.

They don’t get paid for:

  • Making their bed
  • Brushing their teeth
  • Getting dressed
  • Cleaning their room
  • Tidying their toys
  • Clearing the table
  • Putting their clothes away

They DO get paid for:

  • Helping with laundry that isn’t theirs
  • Sweeping
  • Mopping
  • Emptying the dishwasher
  • Cleaning the bathroom
  • Wiping counters and tables
  • Dusting
  • Any other chores I think of in the moment.

We live in the country so going all the way to the bank to get cash ain’t happening so we use a jar and some marbles to represent money earned.

So far my kids are so excited about this. They each got their own jar and decorated it with stickers. We looked at toys on Amazon and they each picked one that they are working for. Not only are they learning about saving money and hard work but I have much more leverage as a parent. If they don’t take care of a responsibility like cleaning toys they have to pay me to do it. It’s a win-win!

How do you take care of chores in your household? Do your kids get opportunies to earn money?