Opera and Homemade Pizza


I am always looking for ways to save time and save money. This recipe for pizza dough is super simple and contains items I already have so it is "free."

But why go through all the trouble you ask? Frozen pizza is pretty cheap and then there is the MESS.

There's a few reasons why. Firstly, I can save money. Second, it's nice to work with my hands. Thirdly, there is nothing like homemade bread, and lastly, togetherness. You see, when I bake, I try to do it with my kids.

(And my dog. She might just jump on a chair and try to take a bite out of the dough. )

To save time, I double the recipe to use for later or even better, surprise someone else with some awesome dough!

I hummed this song while making it with my son. 


Here's how you make it:

How I Lost 56 Pounds

See the source imageI gained quite a bit of weight having 2 babies back to back, which is totally normal and understandable. The only thing is, that weight can be especially hard to lose – especially when I’m not being mindful. Even right after my babies were born, I hardly weighed less than when I was pregnant and breastfeeding only produced a small loss of weight. And I tend to fall in to these mental traps: Continue reading “How I Lost 56 Pounds”

This App Will Help You Create Balance

Accountability is Key

Recently, I came up with some new work/life balance goals I want to focus on – blocking out time for blogging, time for prayer, time for family and friends, and time to waste with my husband. But I decided I really need help with accountability. I was successful in losing almost 30 lbs because I had accountability.  I was in a fitness group on Facebook where I had to weigh in every week. Without accountability, I am lost. I am the type of person who will do my best not to let anyone else down, but when it comes to letting myself down, it’s easy. Continue reading “This App Will Help You Create Balance”