Disillusioned? Keep track.


Sometimes life can seem so mundane and even depressing.

Sometimes because you aren’t feeling well you notice the faults in others more.

This is why I love keeping track of joyful things that happen each day in my journal. They can be big like reaching a goal or small like having a quiet moment to yourself to enjoy your coffee. This habit has taught me to have more gratitude, be more mindful, and to enjoy the simple things. I also keep track of little things my husband does which reminds me of what an amazing guy he is and how much he loves me. Sometimes you can take your loved ones for granted because of the everyday stresses of living and notice the negative more than the positive.

I got these ideas from these books:


Writing in my journal has caused me to see that no matter how bad my day is there is still something to be grateful for and I’ve made some kind of progress!